What exactly IS a "project car"?
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What exactly IS a "project car"?

Hello, fellow Imperial enthusiasts --

In the interest of getting people excited about reading their IML digests
again while continuing to wade through endless to and fro regarding milky
taillights and leaf spring separators, I would like to initiate on the
topic of the Project (up suitably ominous music from background).

Topic 1:  What is and is not a "project car"?

Does it have to be a 5? Is it a sliding scale depending on the buyer's
skill and resources? Does it depend on how much time it takes to finish?

Are there lines you cross that determine the difference between fixer upper
and project? Body rust? Frame rust? Engine bottom end?  Tranny rebuild?

Is it the ratio of total cost after purchase to purchase price? Buy a car
for $500 and spend $3000 afterward?

Is it where you stop?  If you bring it up to a 3 is it still a project, or
does it become a project once you start moving toward show quality?

My car was a solid 3 minus going on 4 when I found it. My goal was to make
it my daily driver.  To me, that's a project. Happily, bonuses descended on
us from above and I was able to get the entire project finished in a month
from acquisition to 3 plus fully trimmed. I spent $800 to buy the car and
$2200 in parts, labor and government fees and taxes.  In other economic
circumstances it may have taken half a year or more to do piecemeal.

Before and after photos coming as soon as I get the hood ornament and the
wire wheel center caps installed.  She's not perfect, but she's good enough
for a 100-mile round trip commute and holds her own, appearance-wise,
against anything on the road.

-- David

'91 K-Imperial
-- you know your car is cool when your 17-year-old daughter wants to drive

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