I obtained the newest copy of "Old Cars Price Guide" last night which contained notable changes, the first of which is now a section just for Imperials 1955 thru 1975. The changes section mentions Imperial is a separate marque from Chrysler. The second change since I have had an issue is it only goes to 4 values, then you have to use a multiplier to get a 5 or 6 value. The last change is the values for Imperials. They have gone up substantially since my Dec 2000 issue. 74 and 75 haven't changed much and I am not quite sure why. But the others years have weathered favorably for our investment value, but not for some who want to get an Imperial for cheap. example I'll use my 66 2000 1. 13000 2. 9100 3. 5200 4. 2600 2003 1. 18000 2. 12600 3. 7200 4. 3600 Lastly, John Rosen has an ad on the Imperial page and the Chrysler page. The ads really look good, but shouldn't there be truth in advertising? If you are not familiar with what I am talking about look in the archives.