Dear list t was this weekend last year that I cracked the head on the Hemi in my 1958. As I have had all the automotive disasters a person could stand in one month, I have decided to have a positive outlook, especially because I anticipate the return of the 92 Chrysler I totaled this week. Onwards and upwards, or as the motto of the Royal Air Force has it, "Per ardua ad astra." 'Through difficulty to the stars.' Has anyone got any experience removing and reinstalling the starter motor on their 57 / 58? I must get mine rebuilt, and as I am using the car as a daily driver right now, I'd really like to be able to get this done in one day. I suspect the starter is weak, but the solenoid is worse, and is all but gone, now. It is on top of the starter but I don't think it is accessible without removing the whole unit. There is a wonderful shop in town that will be able to rebuild the unit within just a few hours but they don't do the grunt work of getting the unit on and off. Scoping under the car, the unit seems remarkably accessible - for a Hemi Imperial, that is. The coolant lines from the transmission wend their way very close to it but I hope that is not a big deal. I would appreciate any advice. Similarly, the coolant temperature sending unit is working intermittently. I washed the valley cover and the gauge stopped working, began working again and stooped again. I suspect the sensor it self has sustained damage. Regrettably, some oil is still coming out of the oil filler tube and the hot fluid seems to be dropping right onto the connection. Does anyone have a cure for an errant indicator switch? All of a sudden the indicators are no longer switching off automatically and I have yet to make turning them off an "automatic" part of my driving unit. hence, I may be "flashing" far longer than I or other drivers want or need. Hugh Until further notice, celebrate everything