[FWDLK] Calendar Entries
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[FWDLK] Calendar Entries


You only have about 45 days left to enter the contest for the 2000
Forward Look Mailing List Calendar.  We have some fine entries so far,
but we still need a bunch more. In case you missed it, here's the



Calendar Time!

It's time to start sending in photos (by real mail please) for the
SECOND annual Forward Look Network Calendar!  We could use around 14
"feature" vehicles -- one for each month, plus the covers, as well as at

least 12 "inset" vehicles for smaller shots.  We'll have an online vote
process to determine the winners.

This year's calendar should be of an even higher quality, as I plan to
have them printed on glossy stock by a local printing house.

You can submit your vehicle(s) by sending the following information via
U.S. Mail (please no emails -- I explain why below)

1)  Your favorite photgraph(s) of your vehicle(s).  Emailed photos are
not an acceptable quality for printing, so I need to scan all
photographs at a very high resolution.  All photos accompanied by a
self-addressed, stamped envelope will gladly be returned after December
1st.  Photos of completed cars are well as works-in-progress, and
"before" restoration pictures are all eligible.  If you were not the
photographer, please make sure you have the rights to reproduce the
photgraphs for publication.

2)  A description of your vehicle.  Please include:
    - the year/make/model
    - when you purchased the vehicle
    - at least one interesting story about your vehicle

The fine print:
- Vehicles from last year's calendar are not eligible.  I'd like to let
everyone's vehicle get a chance to be a "Calendar Girl"  =)
- All entries are property of  The Forward Look Network, and by
submitting your vehicle for the contest, you give us the right to use
your vehicle in the calendar and/or for the web site.
- You must be a current member of the Forward Look Mailing List.
- I reserve the right to throw a picture of my car in the calendar
somewhere.  =)

- Deadline for entries is October 15th, 1999 or closely thereabouts.

Send the photos & info to:

Dave Stragand
19 Mildred Street
Etna, PA  15223


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