I have a fuselage era car, and as most of you know, one of the unique things about the fuselage era Imperials is that the speedometer is not protected or shielded by a clear piece of plastic, as it is in most cars. The needle is in a little slot, so to speak, but the numbers themselves are raised plastic letters on the dash itself. As a result they are exposed to the elements and sometimes get dirty. Well, unfortunately, the previous owner of my car decided to clean off the dash and used something that was a little too strong, maybe Fantastic or something similar, and the result is the white paint (?) on the numerals has completely come off in some places and been smeared in others. Some time ago I sat down with a #.0008 paintbrush (really small) and a bottle of white paint, and one hour later I had finished painting the "90." Of course, I was completely blind for the rest of the afternoon. The 90 doesn't look too bad, but it's clearly not a factory finish, and very time consuming. Does anyone know how these letters were painted originally? Is there a way to do it now? I've thought of creating a mask around the letters and spraying them, but I don't know how I'd create such a detailed mask. Any help would be appreciated! Mark M