I've recently placed two new documents in the '67 section of the club web site: One of them is an HTML-ized version of Dick Benjamin's hardtop refurbishment project writeup. A while back, Dick posted a link to the same document in Microsoft Word format, so if you read it then, only the format is new now. http://www.imperialclub.com/YearbyYear/1967/DickBsRefurb/DickBsRefurb.html The other is an article from a 1985 issue of Cars & Parts, with some cool photos of a '67 convertible. I think there's as much text about the history of the Imperial marque as there is about the '67 in particular. http://www.imperialclub.com/YearbyYear/1967/CarsAndParts/index.html Tim Klein '67 pages administrator Rye, New York