I am not sure what the cfm of my compressor is. It is 125 psi and a 20 gallon tank. I can't find anything in the documentation that came with it that gives information on the cfm. I imagine that you could probably calculate the cfm, but I don't know what the formula would be. Maybe I will go to HomeDepot tomorrow (my wife wants to go any to look at landscaping stuff) and look around. Any suggestions on sanders to look for or stay away from? Thanks Mark Elliott 64 Crown 76 Fleetwood Brougham >Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 22:46:42 -0500 >From: Brad Hogg <roadhogg@xxxxxxx> >Subject: >Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Mark. I use a random orbit sander that has a 6" disk. It is air powered >and my compressor will keep up to it at 40 psi. I like to run it with more >pressure but it runs fine right down that low. I'd say go and look for a >good random orbit sander that your compressor will keep up to. What cfm is >your compressor. Mine is 7.7 cfm.