Hola My wife had a birthday this weekend. Sante Fe, New Mexico was where we headed off to. I contacted John Emeroy before we left Colo Spgs and when we got to our quarters ( ie...Hotel 6 ) I gave him a call. Saturday night he picked us up and showed off his white on black 56 4dr. After that we were off to a nice place that had waiters sanging songs from Broadway to us. We had a front row seat/table and was their targets for some of their skits. I felt so good that I even told him that if he shows up in Colo Spgs that he is to stop by. Sunday morning I saw a red 66 rag-top from the main road. That was the clue that I was nearing Lance Bells home. Lance also has a dual air conditioned yellow 65 Crown 4dr that belonged to his dad. The first thing I noticed was that it had the power steering cooling option. Oh yeh, we also met the latest little Lance that was born in Jan and Lance's good looking wife. We got back to Colo Spgs about 6 PM feeling that we had had a great weekend. I hope that from time to time we all get to have weekends like this. Rodger & Gabby