The car was in a collapsing garage. It looks like the collapse was too slow to damage the car, but I can't be sure. Either way, the damage would be superficial. The garage itself was held by the car and a series of 2x4s. The rear glass is broken though, due to some falling debris that I think was not part of the garage. The car is a maroon 4 door crown hrdtp. The paint could be in good shape (other than the potential garage damage) but with all the dirt its hard to tell for sure. I could not check the right side of the car because it was too close to the collapsing wall. The car was last inspected in 73, so it looks like it has been sitting there for a while. The white leather seats were gone. The driver side interior panel was removed (somebody must have been trying to fix the windows and gave up). I could not see it in the car, but with all the junk in the car, it was probably covered up. Anyway, I think removing the car from the wooden mess without further damage will not be easy. I will be informed if the car is indeed for sale. If anybody has any particular questions, just ask... D^2