To paint or not to paint
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To paint or not to paint

Steve, I personnaly haven't had nothing but trouble with paint shops both
expensive with reputations and middle of the road with good reps. After
being taken for a ride more than once I said enough is enough! I have been
teaching myself body and paint, haven't regreted it for a second! Heck, I
have moved from single stage paint to multi stage with pearls and metallics
mixed! I have seen the responce and everything is right on the money except
one. One of (the mentioned shop's) founders grandsons used to hang out at a
local cruise spot, I heard alot of scary stories and what they said about
the quality of the paint is actually worse than stated. For fun I applied
there when learning to paint, would have been hired if I could speak
      Anyway read anything you can get! Buy a cheap DA (they don't last too
long even the expensive ones) and the best HPLV gun (Iwata or Binks, Iwata
prefered) you can scrounge money for...and keep it clean. Buy some plain
jane paint and paint the trash can, frig, wall, dog(whoops maybe not that)
anything that doesn't move and see how long it takes to run, what causees
fish eyes...etc. Study your handywork and see how to make it better. Take a
class at a JC/Vo-Tech center they are cheap and you don't  have to rent a
spray booth (highly reccommended) you can use the equiptment (although I
would still use my own gun...and don't loan it out!). The only problem I see
is the rust repair, pay someone good to do it (it is much easier and quicker
to learn how to block/prime and Paint than it is to learn how to weld
without warpage!).

Thad the ImpPoster
wanting to give the Grey Ghost a new coat.....If only the Missus would
loosen the purse strings! (heck I got two nephews who are eager to learn,
one that aready does a great job of blocking!)

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