I have a 727 supposedly with a B&M shiftkit in it which I blew last year, I was thinking about rebuilding it but have never done so. I was figuring (with the FSM) that it shouldn't be too hard if I lay it out in sliced over a long table. Keypoint is to keep every part clean I hear. So, I have a warmed up 440 in my '67 C-Body, I have 3.23 in the rear but might go to 2.76 soon. I don't dragrace although I occationally mash it down to prove a point (Monday night a '94 Maxima could barely keep up WOT). I would prefer the smooth shift of a stock tranny but if that might not last as long, I would go with a shiftkit. I want longevity and reliability. So, where do I get a rebuild kit? What is the ballpark cost of them? Should I get a shiftkit or stay with stock? Are there any particular tricks that I should know before I tear into it? Carl http://www.robdiesel.com