There are many resources for Imperial owners "afflicted" with an A604 transmission. Here are some I have used with great success. Whatever you do, don't fall for the old "it's gotta be rebuilt" line. There are many intermediate steps you can take. However, if you car has 100k+ miles and you want to drive another 100k, I say why screw around? It's not a torqueflite, so don't expect that level of performance. -- this is a good overview. There are more specific pages you can link to from the Transmissions section of To bond with fellow sufferers, join For a schematic of how it all fits together including part numbers, I knock on wood daily, as my A604 has nearly 170,000 miles and going strong on 7176 fluid ONLY! Truth is, this transmission is not as much of a dog as many people say. Chrysler's worst is still pretty good, and hundreds of thousands of owners have this transmission and don't even know about its reputation because they've never had any trouble with theirs. If CC had just not put that stuff about Dexron in the service manuals and not put "Dexron" on the dipstick, they could have saved themselves a lot of grief. As stated earlier, it's not a torqueflite and you can't beat the crap out of it and expect it to live. -- David '91 K-Imperial driver '66 Crown Coupe project '66 Newport 383-4bbl .030 over dual exhaust Eddys/B&M/Cragars daughter's first Mopar '70 New Yorker "Mellow Yellow" for sale $1600 ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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