Brad, Thanks for answering his first and most obvious question. My question is, you're talking mainly about the pass. side, right? What about the driver's side? The car i have the leak on has very little overall rust. Is it possible for a car to be almost rustfree and still rust out in this area? (It sure seems like bad design on Chrysler's part, because debris is always getting stuck in there.) 2, Is there any way to check this without taking the whole car apart? (That's kind of what it sounds like to me.) Mark On Monday, November 24, 2003, at 07:01 PM, Brad Hogg wrote: > Roger. That grille is where the fresh cabin air comes into the car. > That > cavity also contains ALL of the wiper linkage etc. There are two > drains in > this cavity. There is one drain on each side of the car. The firewall > material tends to rust out around where the blower motor and duct > assembly > pass through the firewall. To inspect for this rust, you'd have to > first > remove (at least take all the fasteners out of) the right inner fender > well, > remove the fender brace that runs from the top of the fender to the > firewall, remove the power antenna, remove the blower motor, then you > can > remove the big duct assembly from the firewall. You may have to > disconnect > a few heater hoses etc. to gain access to the air box. >