I worked on the carburetor all day today, and almost got it right. The car was very hard to start this morning, since I had the accelerator linkage connected too far forward, so it was not getting enough gas, after adjusting it back, I got the car started, and once up to running temp. adjusted the mixture screws in front, and then fiddled with the idle, which is now fine in neutral, but a little rough in drive. I took the car out, and it was a lot faster than yesterday, but noticed that when I floored it, it would bog. I think this was due to the linkage, since the arm on the carburetor when the throttle was fully open would hit the rod going to the choke, and cause it to close. I then replaced the gasket with one that was completely open in the middle, like the one I took off. When I took the car out again after making more adjustments to the linkage and idle, it was getting faster, and no longer bogged when I floored it, but the secondari
es were not opening up, so when it was floored I would not get that whaaa sound with the extra burst of passing speed. Any suggestions here would be welcome. One good thing is I am no longer getting any hesitation at start ups.
Bill '59 Crown