I can't help with the Brakes, but as for the mufflers. yes they have 2 sort of, the 1st one usually midway is the muffler the 2nd one usually back at rear(behind the rear wheels) is called a called a resonator. it just help quite the car and give it a nice sound. most people when replacing the system leave the resonators off. I like them and have them on my 75 IMP LeBaron. but i don't think it hurts or helps the car one way or the other, it just a matter of taste
-------------- Original message from "kenneth chilton" <finfan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>: --------------
thanks to you guys regarding queries on the parking brake ,i will show the
mechanic these details tommorrow, unfortunatly the FSM is with the car so i
cant do any checking myself . it is also comforting to know that you are out
What i need to find out from you guys in the know is..........
IN THE WORST CASE SENARIO..WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR THE PARKING BRAKE ie shoes etc i might never need them but from where i am located it is always reassuring to know where i can get things from.
next week i will take the car to have a complete exhaust system fitted [by a trusted company ] the FSM shows the imperial with to mufflers on each side . our car has only one each side and im sure that ththere are not the originals . DID ALL IMPERIAL EXHAUST SYSTEMS HAVE 2 MUFFLERS EACH SIDE WHEN NEW . KEN IN THE UK
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