Nico, the line lock is installed after (downstream) from the proportioning block in a typical system, into the front brake line and before it splits right/left. If you do not currently have a proportioning valve, are you running lines straight from each reservoir to separate front and rear lines, respectively? If so and you are OK with the pressure distribution, the line lock will not change the front / rear bias.
I am running my brake lines in that matter (straight from each reservoir to separate front and rear lines), but needed to add an aftermarket, adjustable valve to the rear line to increase (dial-up) the rear brakes.
Again, this will not affect line lock as a line lock only holds front brakes for a few seconds, standing still, when staging.
I hope this answered your question.
Thank you,
On Thursday, September 4, 2014 2:15:24 PM UTC-4, Nico Over wrote:
All, as part of my front suspension rebuild of my 63 330, am converting to manual front disc brakes. I have installed a MP 1 1/32" bore aluminum master cylinder (MC) (similar to the 80's Dodge Diplomat) which will go to the Hurst line lock and then out to the various lines front/back. Doing some online research it appears that a proportioning valve may not be necessary as this MC is supposedly internally proportioned. Any truth to this as it would make installation easier. Thoughts/comments/history appreciated.
Nico Over
Va. beach, Va,