Hello All,
I just wanted to drop a line to the list saying that I'll be making a short run
of the AP-1 aluminum trim plates for the RCA record player. I'm not sure of the
final cost yet but I will have at least 10-14 for sale. If you are interested,
contact me privately. I'm making two for my personal players so I might as well
make more as it would cost just a little more to make several (thanks for
opening my eyes Glenn B.!). I'm selling these so I can gather enough to finish
my car in time for Chrysler Carlisle.
As to radio repairs, I'm not
dropping out of them, I just haven't had time for them. I've been working alot
of overtime at my job and have had some other issues to deal with. I also want
to finish my car as I've had it for almost 10 years, and I'm tired of looking at
boxes with shiny parts. It's time to get it together. I do apologize to those of you who have waited for
me to contact you. I just want to let you know that I haven't forgotten you and
will contact you when I have time again. Here's the waiting list that I have. If
I have forgotten anyone, please let me know. I have put these on a first come
first serve basis.
Glenn Barrett-Search Tune parts
Neil Vedder-Hi-Fi socket
Ron Waters-'58 Plymouth S/T radio.
Hank Dozier-'56 DeSoto radios
Bob Oswald-S/W radio
David (?)- -'54&'59
Dodge radios
Thanks for your time and trouble everyone. Talk
with you all later.
Take Care,