Has anyone ever been ripped off buying parts form someone they do not know? I have been buying parts for my Dodge for years, and fortunatly have been very successful, or just lucky not to have been taken advantage of. Surely you have seen and heard stories of people on e-bay and other services scamming people selling goods they do not have and just keeping money and never sending out the parts. Here is a link to a very long thread 18 pages so far (dont go there unless you have some time) detailing the story of one guy that got ripped off and was no willing to take it. I almost feel sorry for the kid that ripped him off. You may find some useful tips in dealing with a situation like this should it ever arise, although it may be a bit extreme. http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16306&perpage=25&pagenumber=1
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