[FWDLK] Ramblings of a MadMan!! <300's / Benz/ Chevy/ XXXNUDES>!!!
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[FWDLK] Ramblings of a MadMan!! <300's / Benz/ Chevy/ XXXNUDES>!!!

  there must be something to get people to stop and take a first look....The
300 series will force a few people to take a look back into the Forward
Years.... Even though it is sad to have a four door 300 I still love
Chrysler's use of heritage in design and advertising... Chrysler has come out
with some terrific designs for the 90's... And thier quality has been pretty
darn good <for an American car>... Would it not be funny if Benz bought
Chrysler and stole thier heritage just like Chrysler did to AMC <Jeeps>....
 Anyways on to what I wanted to say... I just wanted to find out the reasons
that people like these forward look cars... I am amazed that the owners of the
later '50s cars liken them to Christine,  It just seems kinda wrong to try to
show movie history when you are ignoring a whole section of Automobile
history, It just kinda seems to smack of Hollywood taking away the true beauty
of the Exner style and grace. But I don't own one, maybe I am wrong.... As for
the '55s I myself am attracted by the departure of the All American Look that
Ford and Chevy had<The square look>, Chryslers seem to have a european flair
<design wise>... Like Studebaker  had, but better proportions.... And like AMC
had but in a more mainstream appealing sence. Chevy and even more so Ford just
seem so plain... The '55s Just seem so elegant, without all the tacked-on doo-
dads of  the later 50's... So pure.
 Is it like the AMC people who only Like AMCs becuase grandma left them one
after she died? Or is it becuase of memories of Chryslers in childhood? Or
maybe it is becuase of design or styling? Or perhaps all of these...  I have
been curiouse about this since I looked at the results of the Favorite Cars of
the Mopar Mailining List... It seems to me that I am have been surprised by
the make up of the results... A Chevy placed over a '55 Plymouth ??? It just
seems a little wacky... But maybe I am one of those militant right wing freak-
O Chrysler people...lol.... Maybe...

Any Ideas???
Josh <PlymouthV8>
Click Here ------> <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/acker75/plymouth.htm";>1955
Plymouth Page</A>

P.S.... >>> ~You wrote ~"Of course we are 'older' car nuts and know what real
300's, Furys,
D500's, Adventurers etc. are.  They figure the 'younger' guys/gals
won't know the difference.">>>>>
  Actually I am only 23....   hahaha

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