I tried to post a message to theList, yesterday, but, FWR, it didn't "post"; so, I'll only (bother to) state that there used to be, in the early 80's, (may STILL be) a company that would use a confuser to search state DMV records, to tell you (for 10bux) "how many" of a specified car model was still "registered". I asked/paid for the number of 57 CRL convies, & received (& probably still-gots!) their response, that there were about 184 (IIRC) cars still on-the-books---of course, the 'valididity' of their research is contingent upon the "quality" of the states' INPUT into their records---some of the "184" might have been Coros, or , even mis-labled 56'ers/58'ers. So how many 1957 CRL convies have ya'll seen?? ps: there SHOULD be MORE 57 CRL's registered, now, since there ought to have been a net-increase in newly-registered cars, over furrin cars, & wrecked cars. I wonder if the "57 Heaven" museum cars are "registered"? They have one example of each and every U.S. car model, in the 1957 model-year ( including the 1957 Dodge D501, that was "discovered" [the same way that the "New World" was "discovered", by the Europeans?? ] in WA, several years ago. Finally , in my earlier "message" that didn't make it to the List, I speculated that the % of surviving Ply's should NOT be applied toward calculating the %/number of surviving luxury- sport/convie models, due to the "better care" that the latter models necessarily received, from their owners--Ply's were, overwhelmingly, bought/used for utilitarian purposes, and their prosaic-models' survival depended upon pure-mathematical chance (numbers-produced) , fortuitous garaging/storage, and/or familial- affection. Horace survived Chi-Town area 'life', due to his undercoating, & somewhat careful winter-usage, & dead-storage, for 10+ years--he still had considerable lower-body rust-out, but no significant floor pan deterioration. Neil Vedder |