I was too lazy, before, to list all the stuff that I, and other "travelers" should 'pack', in our trunks , like water & fuel pumps, BELTS, coil , points/condenser (if yer not 'electronic'), voltage regulator, fuses, dist-cap, BALLAST RESISTER, neutral safety switch, brake light switch (on master cylinder)-- but , Dave, I've never considered packing a spare GENERATOR--mine was rebuilt 10 years ago, & I've never thought about it "going-bad". All the other stuff, with misc fluids, neatly fill a "milk carton" case, & should be carried @ all times, because yu nevvvver know.......... Neil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Need an answer fast? Search the 17,000+ pages of the Forward Look Mailing List archives at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm |