Hi all! Ive got a couple of questions. Hope that anyone can answer them :-) The first one is about Plymouth Pace Cars. Last month I read in a car magazine that Plymouth didnt have any Pace cars until the mid sixties. Is this really correct? Why Im asking is because Ive seen an old NASCAR movie, "Southern Darlington 500 1956". In one scene there is a -56 Plymouth convertible passing by! That sure looks like a Pace car to me. :-) Then to another question. Its about some engine numbers ive found on a chrysler 360 bbl. This isnt really a Forward look car engine. But perhaps any of you knows something about this. :-) A couple of weeks ago the engine in my -67 Barracuda broke down. It is a 360 big block as I said above. On the right side of the "engine block" there is some numbers. It is a couple of digits followed by 360-1. Looks something like this, XXXXXXX 360-1. (Its not the engine id number). Is there any information in this number or is it just some number from the molding of the "engine block"? Cruise on! Daniel "Plymouth Viking" (does anyone know if the backseat in a Plymouth -55 2d is the same as in a 4d?)