'60 Crown, '60 LeBaron
The Airtemp equipped cars aren't too difficult either. For the putty, I use the 3M product that comes in a blue box, and is laid in "strings" between pieces of wax paper. I can't remember the name of it, and my supply is at storage with the cars. Someone on the list probably knows what I am referring to. It is very pliable, and the strips are about nine inches long by about 1/4 inch thick. One box lasts a long time
In an email dated Wed, 12 1 2005 1:13:26 am GMT, Duckie26626@xxxxxxx writes:
>Hi to All; If any has to work on their heater core in a 62 4-Door without
>air cond., you will be shocked to find that it is Really Easy to get out! I had
>a little leak from it & found that the core was in near perfect condition.
>The solider joint on the tube going to the core was leaking. Now a question.
>What type of sealant or what looks to be putty goes between the heater core & the
>housing (cover). The same material goes on the housing to seal it to the
>body. It looks like plumbers putty. Does anyone know what it is or where I can
>get some.
>Thanks Dave V. & Happy Moparing !
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