Welcome to the Imperial Mailing List!
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Welcome to the Imperial Mailing List!

Welcome to the Imperial Mailing List!

The Imperial Mailing List is dedicated to the preservation, appreciation and 
restoration of Imperials and Chrysler Imperials of all years, models and 



To protect our existing members from spam and other nefarious activity, newly 
subscribed members must receive approval from membership before they are 
allowed to post messages. This process is automatic and usually takes less than 
24 hours. You will receive email notification when you have been granted 
posting status. Although you cannot post until that time, you will begin 
receiving messages from the Imperial Mailing List immediately after your 
subscription request (i.e. now).


Always remember that the IML is a public forum. Not only will your postings go 
out to hundereds or perhaps thousands of members, but ALL postings are 
permanently archived and freely available online. DO NOT post any information 
you consider private to this list!! The IML, OIC and its affiliates assume no 
responsibility whatsoever for the contents of your postings and the results 
they may generate. Please note that there will be a nominal fee to remove any 
archived postings sent to the mailing list.

Thank you for subscribing to the Imperial Mailing List, which is the daily 
online discussion component of the online entity called the Online Imperial 
Club (OIC - http://www.imperialclub.com).  You're now part of a thriving, 
growing community of online Imperial Owners, and we all have something to 
share, but we also need to learn as much as possible. The OIC is an ongoing 
experiment, and with your help, it will be around for a long, long time.



The IML was created in its current form in June of 1996, and has been growing 
steadily since then.  We are now the largest Imperial-only club on earth!  Most 
of the cars are from the late 50's and later, but we are eager to add more and 
more of all kinds.  It enrichens the discussion.

Our website is the largest collection of Imperial-oriented information on the 
Internet.  The OIC website contains over 1,200 web-pages and over 1,000 
graphics.  This is all dedicated to Imperials, with hundreds more pages and 
goodies on the way!


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much email can I expect from this mailing-list?

A. It's hard to predict - On slow days, you can expect to receive under 10 
messages.  On a day when everybody's all fired-up about a topic, you can get up 
to 80 or so.  It's best to check your email everyday, in order not to become 
overwhelmed.  You CAN get all of the day's messages in one "digest" message.  
This option is explained at our website:

Q. What topics are discussed on the IML?

A. Anything is fair game, as long as it has to do with Imperials.  In the last 
few months, we have covered several hundred topics, including the following 
ones, chosen at random:

Axle Pulling Tips
Chrome Replating
Cruising to entertain guests
Disassembly tips
Ghias and Other Limousines
History in General
Horror Stories
Kitchen Products for Imperials
Movie and TV Imperials
Owner's Stories
Parts Reproduction
Plastic Door Trim
Preservation vs modification
Renting to movie studios
Salvage Yards
Swap Meet Tips
Towing Your Imperial
Unleaded Gas in Older Cars
Virgil Exner
Window Motors

Q. What are the guidelines for beginning a topic?

A. You can ask anything you want, or tell any kind of story.  This is the 
Internet, and you should see the IML as a 400-volt socket for networking.  
Don't be afraid to ask "stupid" or ignorant questions.  There are PLENTY of 
folks on the IML who are eager for the chance to write something wonderful on 
any Imperial topic you could imagine, and your questions will allow them to 
strut their stuff.  Ask lots of questions - The answers will surprise and 
please you.  If you know something nice that you'd like to share, such as cars 
for sale, or a good mechanic, or source for fabrics, please tell us!

Q. What about private email?

A. Please share what you know with the ENTIRE group - If somebody asks a 
question, send your reply to Mailing-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (just hit reply) and 
everybody will receive it.  Think of the IML as an ongoing, friendly meeting of 
an Imperial Club.  If you send a tip to one person alone, you're robbing the 
rest of us of the benefit of your wisdom. However, messages such as the closing 
of a sale can be kept between the two parties.

Q. What is the best way for me to get the (parts/cars/tips) that I need?

A. Keep reminding us.  There are a lot people on the IML, and the best way for 
us to remember each other is by the cars we have and the stuff that we're 
looking for.  You will want folks to associate you with what you need.  The 
email world can be a bit impersonal, and any way you can break through that is 
a good thing.  If you need a set of '65 hubcaps, say so at the end of EVERY 
message you contribute.  You'll get 'em, even if it takes a few months.  Be 
patient.  Somebody might be at a swap-meet and will spot the hubcaps and snag 
'em for you or something like that.  It happens all of the time. The more you 
participate in discussions, the more we'll be aware that you are still around 
and needing certain things.  Let people bond with you.  There are no toxic 
people here, looking to rip you off.

Q. Is advertising permitted on the IML?

A. Yes, if it is of DIRECT interest to Imperial owners. You might also want to 
check out our online classified ad system at: 

Q. Why is this discussion handled through email?  Why not start up a newsgroup?

A. That may happen someday, although it isn't likely for the following reasons:

1) Newsgroups are not nearly as accessible as email to the general population, 
and there are few enough Imperial owners online as it is.  The IML is ready NOW 
for anybody, even an online beginner.

2) Newsgroups are wide open to "spam," which is the endless noise of 
inappropriate ads and messages that plague the rest of the Internet.  I am the 
IML's "dragon at the gate," who removes all such messages, long before they get 
to you.

3) Newsgroups (even moderated ones) are weak, security-wise.  Anybody who knows 
one particular techique can do whatever they want to the messages on that 
newsgroup.  I do my best to protect the IML's members and their information.

Q. How do I organize all of these useful tips on my hard-drive so that they 
make sense later on?

A. There is really no need as we have a fully searchable mailing-list archive. 
You will find the archive at: http://http://www.imperialclub.com/archives/


IML Rules of Etiquette


1. Everything here is Imperial focused... keep it so.
2. CHANGE your subject line, probably every time you post!
3. Trim your posts, and use plain text.
4. Respect other people and their cars!
5. Diversity is our strength - this is a worldwide, multicultural club!


1. No Personal Attacks, No Politics, No Religion, No Bashing.
2. Post no graphics or other large files to the entire list.
3. No short, one-line responses like "Cool!" or "That's right!"
4. No personal replies to the whole list - send those to the person concerned.



The Imperial Mailing List is one of the biggest and oldest Internet-based 
car-clubs, and it has grown to be the largest Imperial club of any kind. Over 
the years, it has developed a "theme" or a "flavor", which we will attempt to 

In the past, Imperial owners have been isolated, and desperate for help in 
keeping their cars on the road.

Now, imagine living by the side of a constantly-flowing river of knowledge. Any 
time you need something (a replacement Imperial part, or some advice, for 
example), you can just dip a bucket right in and get what you want. Free, easy 
and VERY friendly, with hundreds of wonderful pals. The IML provides a positive 
feedback-loop, and it's a major success.

However, we sometimes get folks who join up, and don't understand that in order 
to GET something, they have to GIVE something. It might be information, advice, 
honest questions or volunteering. At the very minimum, we ask that you be a 
good citizen. We have very clear rules about what constitutes "good 
citizenship", and several constantly-active folks who are authorized to spank 
troublemakers - You're not paying for membership in cash, you're paying for it 
in plain old common courtesy.

Here are the rules:



- Chat about Imperials of all years and 1976-78 Chrysler New Yorker Broughams. 
Send Imperial-related questions, stories, advice, or friendly feedback. Keep it 
pleasant, and you'll get all of the goodies you need.

- Volunteer to help. We are always happy to accept help from folks who like to 
greet new folks, or edit the archives for the website, or add new material to a 
particular year's Home Page, or moderate our many Chat sessions. We have a 
separate mailing list for folks who want to help run the IML, with lots of 
active members. To join, send an email to oic-admin-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx and ask 
to be added.

- Always be aware that you are on a planet-wide mailing-list, with members on 
every continent except Antarctica (we're working on it). The folks on the list 
don't have any idea where you live unless you mention it, so please tell us 
WHERE your car is for sale.

- Advertise Imperial parts and services (No other kind of ads are allowed). We 
have many vendors who are members in excellent standing, and always want more. 
Don't fool yourself into believing that we want to be spammed with constant 
advertisements. Keep it tasteful. Any questions? Join the IML-Admin list.

- Learn how to use your computer's email software, specifically how to change 
the Subject line so that it matches the actual contents, how to ONLY include 
quoted text that continues the discussion (instead of every word that has ever 
been posted on a topic), and for goodness' sake, learn how to copy and paste 



You'll get one friendly warning for any of these, and then we'll hit the 
Ejector Switch if you keep offending us. We really have very little patience 
for new folks who don't wanna play nice, since there are so many of us that do.

- Messages that are NOT about Imperials of all years and 1976-78 Chrysler New 
Yorker Broughams. If it's not about a car that is in one of those categories, 
PLEASE don't send it to the Imperial Mailing List. Really. No long, drawn-out 
comparisons between Dodge Polaras and Monacos - There are OTHER mailing-lists 
for such discussions, and we get enough email traffic already.

- Angry messages. They bother a very large, friendly and kindly group of folks. 
This can include personal attacks, profanity, sexual references, stereotyping, 
or other offensive speech.  If it's not something you could read out loud to 
your sweetest relative, don't send it, because we really don't want it. There 
are IML members who are gay, or fundamentalists (of all kinds), every race, 
sex, age and opinion, and none of it matters. We're Imperialists. Figure out 
how the Internet works, and get used to diversity.

- Attached files. Imagine sending some big, honking picture file to a gazillion 
folks, 99% of whom don't want it or need it - It's a GREAT way to piss off a 
bunch of potential friends. If you MUST send in an addition to the website or 
something, follow the instructions at the bottom of every message. If it's not 
Imperial-oriented, you're just wasting your time.

- Do not post urban legends, virus warnings, jokes, scams and other crapola. If 
you feel you need to start a message with 'This is non-MoPar, but..,' then it 
doesn't belong.

- Private or repetitive email, posted to the whole mailing-list. Nasty stuff! 
Some of us get WAAAY too much e-mail already, and we CERTAINLY don't want to 
read a message saying nothing but "Count me in!" or "Way to go!" or "Hey, Bob - 
I'll buy it!" Send it to the single person involved, and give the rest of us a 

- Requests to be unsubscribed... DUH!  The instructions on unsubscribing are 
included in every message.

If you don't like something, join the IML-Admin list and make your case! We can 
always use some good, opinionated leaders!


< Significant listserver email policies >

The following policies govern our actions regarding all mailing list subscriber 

1) The listserver may immediately remove any member whose email address is 
rejected because of an 'unknown user' or 'unknown host' error.

2) The listserver will attempt to deliver email to a subscriber's account for a 
minimum of two days, at which time the member is subject to removal.

3) No auto-responders! If your email account is set to automatically reply to 
all incoming email with a preset message (including temporary notices such as 
"I'm on vacation") your address will be removed from the list without notice.

4) Do not send email to the mailing list with return receipt requested. By 
default the IML will echo a copy of your message back to you.


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