Hi folks, I have added almost thirty pictures of Mrs. Blueberry, "my" 1958 Imperial to the web site belonging to the Texas Transportation museum. Some of these come from a now defunct web site I made for the car a few years ago. Others are newer. You may like the one with the M60 tank. I used to have a composite picture of my car in front of a local company called "Imperial Tank Company." Regrettably, this is lost, unless someone took it from the site. If anyone did, I'd be thrilled if you could send it to me. There is some text, too, but most of you will know at lot of this stuff. Anyhoo, here is a link to the main museum page for its cars. Go down to the 58 Imperial. There are nine pictures of the car on this page. Then click on the given link to the additional page. I also added a link to the Online Imperial site. http://www.txtransportationmuseum.org/Auto.htm Hugh