Hey, Guys and Gals. Thanks for all your follow up letters. I never said I was a good speller, but I am damn good with cars! I have received more information on my opinion than I need, and do thank all of you. Some people do change or become bitter. I do not know if this happened to John. Anyway I have cars to work on and my own life to live and will add this whole thing to the memory bank and move on, like I always do. To those of you that made fun of my first response, you have way to much time on your hands and should think about restoring a Imperial? Any way most was in good hummer, or is that that big truck thing. Ha, Ha to you all to. Thanks, Over and out....... 65 Imperial (one of you members HAS to be, or was a grammar teacher, you know who you are, I got a c in that stuff.) Bye.