TX Spring meet?
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TX Spring meet?

Nothig wrong with a summer meet if we find a nice cool place like the beach.  
Galveston anyone?

 --- On Sun 05/25,  < dardal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
From:  [mailto: dardal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 22:31:33 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: IML: TX Spring meet?

No, it did not happen.  Also, it looks like we ran out of Spring, so if it 
<br>happens, it will be the TX Summer meet!<br><br>D^2, Austin<br><br>Quoting 
Brooks Harkey <vm.dude@xxxxxxxxxxx>:<br><br>> So did we have the Texas Spring 
meet?  I was booked solid in April so I<br>> <br>> couldn't go....<br>> <br>> 
--Brooks in Dallas<br>> <br>> dardal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:<br>> <br>> >OK, I 
have not heard from Hugh or others yet, so its unlikely this will<br>> go.  I 
<br>> >recommend to postpone it for 2 weeks from tomorrow, and let's hope 
it<br>> won't be <br>> >too hot.<br>> ><br>> >D^2, 2x68s, Austin TX<br>> ><br>> 
>Quoting michael popp <popp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:<br>> ><br>> >  <br>> ><br>> >>I 
would like to make it,but I never got my Imperial finished. It will<br>> 
be<br>> >>two<br>> >>weeks or more to get it all done. Mike Popp----82 FS<br>> 
>>Imp----popp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<br>> >>----- Original Message -----<br>> >>From: 
<dardal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx><br>> >>To: <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 om><br>> >>Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 11:51 AM<br>> >>Subject: IML: TX 
Spring meet?<br>> >><br>> >><br>> >>    <br>> >><br>> >>>Hi all.<br>> >>><br>> 
>>>I may be too busy next weekend, and the weekend after may start<br>> >>>     
 <br>> >>><br>> >>getting<br>> >>too<br>> >>    <br>> >><br>> >>>hot.  This is 
a real short notice, but how about some of us getting<br>> >>>      <br>> 
>>><br>> >>together<br>> >>    <br>> >><br>> >>>tomorrow (Sunday, 13).<br>> 
>>><br>> >>>If so, we can meet at the department of Mechanical Engineering at 
UT<br>> >>>      <br>> >>><br>> >>(real<br>> >>    <br>> >><br>> >>>close to 
I35, can specify directions).  If we see enough of a<br>> >>>      <br>> 
>>><br>> >>repsonse,<br>> >>may be<br>> >>    <br>> >><br>> >>>we can go 
through with this.<br>> >>><br>> >>>D^2<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> 
>>>-----------------  http://www.imperialclub.com  -----------------<br>> 
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http://imperialclub.com/unsubscribe.htm<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>>      <br>> 
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