Hi Everyone, Even though it's not a national event that might appear on your desktop calendar, I hereby nominate April as the official Imperial Mailing List/Online Imperial Club history month. Why? Well, take a visit to http://web.archive.org/web/19990117001908/http://www.imperialclub.com/ (it's a long link, and you may have to cut and paste to get the entire link into your browser). Http://web.archive.org is a really useful site that archives web sites at various points in time. The link above takes you to the IML web site as the front page appeared circa April 1998. As you can see, we've made some BIG changes in the past five years! Follow some of the links from this "historical" archive, and notice just how much stuff was NOT there in 1998! Our site has grown dramatically, as we all know, but looking back on what was there five years ago really brings this home. How did we get from there to where we are now? Our entire web site is maintained by volunteers who love Imperials and work to make sure that our website is the best of its kind. Tony Lindsay started the whole mailing list concept around 1996; then he started archiving messages to form a web site; and then that site began to grow into what we have today. Along the way, Tony gradually stepped back, and many other folks have contributed to our site over the past five years. First, the website, mailing list, classifieds, etc. simply would not exist without the kindness and contributions of Manuel Alvarez, who provides the server and wrangles the technology that hosts all this great stuff! If you haven't done so, now would be a good time to show your appreciation to Manuel with a donation to the cause! A mailing address for Manuel can be found under the "Support Staff" section from the current main page. And speaking of support staff, there's no way that I can possibly list all the people who make such great contributions to our web site, so I encourage you to click on over to http://www.imperialclub.com/OIC-Specific/TeamOfVolunteers/index.htm to get an idea of who some of the folks are who work so diligently on this site. And there are a few important people who are not mentioned there . . . like Mike and Christine Trettin, whose skill at webdesign is extraordinary and who are largely responsible for the impressive look and feel of the current site . . . and Leslie, aka "ChatQueen," who keeps lots and lots of things running behind the scenes. Again, all these fine folks do a HUGE amount of work as volunteers, and we all benefit from their efforts. So take a look at the history of our site. And then take a few moments to be happy not only to own such fine cars, but to be a part of such a great group dedicated to preserving those cars. Imperially, Elijah 1965 Imperial LeBaron 1970 Imperial LeBaron (3) 1971 Imperial LeBarons __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more http://tax.yahoo.com