There is a sealer available at Walmart for 134a and is just mixed into the
refrigerant. cost about $5.
1975 LeBaron
----- Original Message -----
From: "Elijah Scott"
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: IML: 406A, autofrost, 134A, and dead horses
> --- bom tiewrote:
> > about cost, failures, pitfalls, victories. What is
> > the current cost of R-12? Does the Imp have a
> > condenser so big and a compressor so tough that 134A
> > will not hurt the output from the system?
> About four years ago, I converted the A/C system in my
> '71 Imperial to R-134a. The conversion consisted of a
> kit available at any WalMart, K-Mart, etc. for about
> $35. I did not change ANY hardware, but I did have a
> properly working system to begin with.
> With probably 20,000 miles of driving and four years,
> the system still works great and will cool down to 42
> degrees on a hot day in the deep South. It's hard to
> ask for better than that. I drove the car from
> Chattanooga, TN, to Carlisle, PA, last year in June,
> and was cool and comfortable all the way.
> I do have to add a can of R-134a about two or three
> times a year. This takes about 10 minutes, and at
> about $2.50 a can, isn't much of a drain on the
> wallet. It's a very slow leak that I attribute to
> either a bad o-ring or a hose that slowly seeps.
> R-12 is currently about $48 a can where I live. I can
> buy two CASES of R-134a for less than that at Sam's
> Club.
> If I had a car with an A/C system that was in good
> shape, but was just a little low, I would stick with
> the R-12. But if the system needs work anyway,
> there's NO loss to be had by changing over to R-134a,> except that your wallet may be a little heavier when
> you're done. ;o)
> Elijah
> 1965 Imperial LeBaron
> 1970 Imperial LeBaron
> (3) 1971 Imperial LeBarons
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