Hello List, That's swap...not swamp! MOPAR SUPER SWAP IV: Saturday January 25, 2003 Melbourne FL, Sponsored by the Mopars of Brevard at the Wickham Park Pavillion on Wickham Rd,8am - 4pm, rain or shine, Mopar only swap meet (more than 100 20x 20spaces available),all makes welcome in car corral/show n' shine (no judging), craft show, dash plaques, goodie bags to first 100 registrants, $10 vendor pre-registration by 1/18/2003, $15 thereafter, $5 car corral/show n' shine, spectators free admission! For more information: Andy Caldwell, PO Box 410003, Melbourne, FL 32941, PH: 321-633-4541 or e-mail superb426@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or check the Mopars of Brevard website at http://www.spacey.net/cconnor/MOB.html This event keeps getting better each year! Spaces sell fast so plan now to attend! Motorhome, Trailer camping call Wickham Park Ranger for availibility at (321-255-4307) Greg Gryczan West Palm Beach, FL U.S.A.