People Unsubscribing/ Suggestions...
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People Unsubscribing/ Suggestions...

Hi All:

While I too am personally taken aback at the sheer 
volume of IML email, it's far more important to me to 
see the equally voluminous and swift response to 
hobbyists needing advice or assistance with their rare 
vehicles - For me, this outweighs by far 
the 'inconvenience' of the email volume...

That said, here's some things I think we ALL can do to 
make sure that things go smoothly and feather's don't 
get ruffled:

- "SUBJECT" LINE - Always take the time to 'title' the 
email you're writing - all the time, every time.  
Don't just say "IML: Question"...  What's it about!?  
Try: "IML: '60 Auto-Pilot Question".  This way, 
anybody who ain't interested will know they can just 
delete it...  It's a small thing that goes a long way!

- LET THREADS DIE - Take the recent thread about "Open 
Me Pleeeze".  Ok, it was off topic - stuff happens.  
But it was only ONE email....  Then came what I 
consider to be the greater offense: TWENTY-PLUS 
INDIVIDUAL EMAILS about the thread, which kept it 
spinning...  If we see that one or two people have 
already responded appropriately, leave it lay.

- "DELETE" - this cycle's right back to my first 
commment.  If indeed the subject line is clear, and 
you KNOW that you don't REALLY need the info 
about "'60 Le Baron Hubcaps", just delete it!!!  You 
won't miss anything, and if you happen to someday need 
that info, you can always search the archive. Typing 
an email asking people to stop a thread uses hundreds 
of keys - Delete only uses ONE.

I don't think that folks intentionally 'jam the 
system'.  Part of the problem may be members applying 
the ettiquite of 'traditional' correspondence in what 
is a 'virtual' (computer) environment.  You receive a 
letter in the mail - you respond to it!  Your boss 
sends you an email - you read it.  But here, on the 
net, it is NOT necessary that each and every email 
MUST be responded to, or even read at all!  You won't 
be considered 'impolite', or a 'bad member', if you 
elect to skip entirely a thread that does not interest 
or apply to you.

I look upon the emails in this club like a 'dim-sum' 
cart rolling through a Chinese restaurant.  You should 
pick out what YOU want to eat, and then send the cart 
on it's way...

But we need to be responsible in our responses, too.  
As the dim sum cart moves along, you wouldn't yell 
across the dining hall at another table to say, 'you 
really shouldn't eat that!' or, 'I don't care for 
squid personally, so I don't want you to have any!' - 
would you!?  Well, that's essentially what we do when 
we broadcast the catty little side comments/responses 
to the entire group - it's the virtual version of 
yelling across the dining hall.

Anyway, just some food for thought...

Jim Byers
'60 Le Baron Southampton
Washington, DC

--- Original Message ---
From: Norm <nsdec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IML: People Unsubscribing

>From: ChiPieAlandPaula@xxxxxxx
>> What is up with the rash of disgruntled members? As 
I remember, we were told 
>>that we should prepare for a large amount of e-
mails. If these members do not 
>>like the amount and tone of the e-mails. why not 
just hit the delete key. I 
>>have had several complaints over my time in the 
club. But overall -- this is 
>>the only place that people do not laugh at me for 
having an Imperial 
>>fixation. And, in a republic, isn't it considered 
healthy to debate and 
>>disagree? Not to be uncharitable, but maybe these 
folks have other problems 
>>that are exacerbated by our free exchange?
>As someone who unsubscribed and now re-subscribed I'd 
like to answer
>o the Digest wasn't working and I cannot handle the 
volume of mails
>o there was also a flood of long html posts (your 
post was in html, btw)
>o I cannot handle the volume because I have many 
different interests,
>  makes (12) and lists;  individual posts are out of 
the questions
>o in addition it's much safer for mail to come from 
known sources, e.g. 
>  not individuals;  it helps avoid opening suspect e-
mails (being active
>  on eBay is tough enough)
>o it has nothing to do with "free exchange" but I'm 
not interested in 
>  *opinion bias* - discussion info and humor 
revolving around around
>  our cars is what I'm here for, not diatribes
>Thanks, Norm
>Is there anybody in there?
>Just nod if you can hear me.
>Is there anyone at home?   Pink Floyd, Comfortably 

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