Don't feel that way! It's really the other way around: the '67 was actually the trial run for the '68, which is the year they finally got it right. (They couldn't even put the trim in the right place on the sides of the '67s! I mean, come on. What were they thinking?) In '69 they knew they couldn't improve on perfection, so they changed directions & came up with the fuselage look. (Crawling into my bunker now . . . ) MM MNTwin1@xxxxxxx wrote: > So much so that I want to go and buy one. I found it interesting that >Chrysler did not provide the same paint finish in 1968 as was done in 1967 >(cost savings) and some of the other cost reducers made me feel like my 68 is >the "little hand me down" sister to the 1967. Not that I would give up my 68 >Crown Coupe! Oh no sir, I won't!! But I was impressed with the details and >the execution completed on the 1967 model. Maybe a convertible should be the >purchase. Hmmm..... >