Paul: Welcome to the club. There are a lot of people on the list that can help with your non-running 82. They were invaluable when I got my 82 Frank Sinatra ed. running again two years ago. Can you give us some background about the car: -you said you put in fresh gas. Was the car sitting unused for a long time? How long? -did you replace fuel filters? -when you start do you hear the in-tank fuel pump whining in the trunk? -were you sure to replace the gasket on the air cleaner cover when you took it off? I think we are sometimes quick to conclude it's an EFI problem before looking at simpler issues. Do you have the factory service manuals? There is a list of basic visual checks on page 14-96. By now Dick Benjamin probably has posted the solution to your problem. He's the guru on these vehicles. Keep us posted.