Come One, Come All! The 2nd Annual Cascade Loop Run for Imperials and Friends will take place on July 4-7, 2002. Our plans are not yet cast in concrete so make your wishes known so we can incorporate them in our schedule. This year the Loop will move south to the Oregon Cascades. Plans are for a 4th of July celebration in the Portland / Vancouver area for fireworks with the actual Loop to begin on July 5th. We plan to circle Mt. Hood with one overnight inland and one overnight on the coast. Efforts are under way to find a route that will satisfy the "Shut up and Drive" imperialists (me) and those who advocate shorter daily distances with more stops for tourist (non-car oriented) activities (my wife). I have yet to hit the map planning programs but think that the proposed routes and destinations suggested for this year may be longer than last year's overly ambitious route. I am looking for specific recommendations for places to visit, eat and stay overnight so we can make reservations and get the ball rolling. So far there are positive responses to private inquiries from several people who went on the Loop last year. It would be fun if some of the non-members we met at the Junk Yard Prowl last fall would join us. Maybe some of our Portland members can put the word out so we can include those wonderful people and their beautiful cars in our group. I officially commited myself to attending the2002 Loop last Thursday when I picked up a pair of Cobra FRS 2-way radios for use when caravaning through the countryside. Costco has them for $80.00 with a mail-in $20.00 rebate. Those of us on last year's Loop said it would be nice to have had at least a pair so now we have enough for the lead and last cars. I've checked the range for the Cobras in town and find it to be less than the 2 miles listed as maximum. They are very good within one mile even with buildings and such in the way so they should work well for car-to-car communications. This year's event, like last year's Loop, is a loosely organized event that anyone can join. Each participant is responsible for making their own overnight reservations. We'll do what we can together and encourage participants to do things that interest them along the way. I'll post a final route and overnight destinations soon so we can be sure there will be openings where we want to stay. Come for the whole Loop or join us for a mile. You decide. We'll welcome you for whatever time you want to cruise with us. Please contact me privately with questions or to get on the list of people who want to be advised of the plans as they develop. I'll post a few more notices to the IML list but will send the details of our plans privately to those interested parties who notify me directly with their email address. Please contact me at: Loren_Erwin@xxxxxxx to be added to the list of those people who want to be advised of the Loop detail plans. Loren 1964 Crown