Hi Guys! My name is Dan Melnik and although I have joined just a few weeks ago I must say I am REALLY impressed with all the time and effort that has gone into your web site and the TON's of info that is there! I was wondering how I might be able to share in the work and came up with an idea ( one that may have already been thought of or even tried by yourselves already!). with all the pictures that you make available on the web site has anyone tried to put them together and make a (softcover type) book out of them all?? I don't mean a real professional coffee-tble-type hardcover book, but something that it would be nice to have to look throught especially if members saw their own venicles in it?? I was going to try my hand at a frist-shot-at-doing-this book but wanted to ask if it is something that gets into the 'legality' area regarding the clubs web-site and its members OK'ing the use of the pictures. I don't intend for this to be a maney maker project; just a few $$$ to cover the cost of the paper/ink (for the color pages)/binding/etc. and the cost of whatever the shipping might be. If it is OK with the IML's committee I will go ahead and try to put one together using what you have on the web and see how it comes out. If you think it might be OK to solicit newer or better resolution pictures from members and use those pictures instead, the end result might be abit better.....I currently have no scanner so would have to rely on gif/jpg or whatever from the members or a picture being scanned in by yourselves and my having access to it that way. Anyway, let me know what you think of the idea.......again, this would not be a FOR PROFIT project but more like your 'calendar' project, that could be made available to all members for a VERY minimal $$$ (non-members are another thing!) Hope to hear from you soon. Regards, Dan Melnik / dmelnik@xxxxxxx