The wheels on my 69 Imperial LeBaron Coupe are so worn they cannot be balanced properly. I bought new Michelin 235/75/15 tires and am pleased with the ride, but at least one wheel is so damaged I can't use the tires without a tube in them. Others just can't be balanced properly. I almost bought myself a set of wheels from Summit Racing (Wheel Vintiques), but foirstly, they are not the original style, and secondly, I found out at the very last minute they don't fit. I have been told over and over again that all Chryslers (including the Imperials) use a 15x7 rim with a 5x4½ bolt circle. Byt when I measure my wheels it is clear they have a 5x5 bolt pattern, not a 5x4½. Can anyone tell me: 1) What is the correct wheel size for the 69 Imperial? Width, back space, and bolt circle? 2) Where can I get myself five good (if possible new) wheels for my Imperial? I am based in Denmark, so shipping of course is a major cost. But I can possibly have them shipped to Illinois and put on an export container. I'd rather spend more money on the right stuff than go cheap and get disappointed - it takes me a minimum of six weeks from the day I buy till I see the wheels. That means mid May, and then it is high time to go cruising. It seems these wheels are very difficult to get in Europe. Jens Dybdahl ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to