Re: IML: Imperial carping
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Re: IML: Imperial carping

I'd like to humbly disagree on this. I felt bad for Bryan when I read the
first response that was posted. (And so far no one has helped him with his
actual problem. For that, I'd suggest to Bryan that he wait to hear from
some IMLers who have had experience with the vendors he named, that he not
assume other vendors are as cheesy as JC Whitney can be, and that he refrain
from using household carpet in a car.)

Here is why I disagree: First of all, to post such a response with no
signature as well as no positive assistance toward the original sender's
plea for assistance just seems a little out of character with the spirit of
this ever-helpful community.

Further, every dictionary I have in my home and office (and since I am a
writer by trade there are several) lists "carpet" first as a noun and second
as a verb. So it seems the published authorities on this matter disagree
with kandkoyen's statement to begin with. ("Drape" appears secondarily as a
noun, synonymous with drapery, as well.)

I love the language, too, and for many linguistic matters I am a purist. But
two of the things I love most about language are its constant fluidity, and
its ability to feel conversational even in written form. I deplore
mispronunciations like "negociate" as much as kandkoyen does, and I ripped
all the wall-to-wall (a compound adjective used as a noun... go figure!) out
of my house, too. But that doesn't help Bryan restore his Imperial.

This is not to say at all that we cannot correct and educate each other. We
are all here to learn and share knowledge, from "there's no T in Dexron" to
"a Crown Imperial and an Imperial Crown are not the same car" to how to find
replacement floor covering. But if any of us cannot resist making a
non-Imperial-related comment, perhaps it's worth taking the effort to wrap
it in a friendlier or more amusing car-related anecdote, or as an aside to
some actual help with the original inquiry.

Sorry if I've called anyone on the carpet...
Chris in LA

On 7/12/05 5:47 AM, tcrowley2@xxxxxxxxxxxx at tcrowley2@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Kandkoyen,
> You needn't be apologetic re: your "input" on others' use of the English
> language.  In fact, I'm looking forward to reading Eats, Shoots, and Leaves, a
> book written by a person just like you.  When telling people about my new 1957
> Crown, I, too, have been referring to the excellent condition of the "carpet".
> Now I'm enlightened and will not repeat this mistake.  Thanks.
> Tim 
> ---- kandkoyen@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I'm sorry if I offended- it wasn't my intention. Spending the last couple of
>> months reading e-mails from this most-appreciated group and adding it to what
>> I hear and over-hear on a daily basis (not to mention the fact that in most
>> news-papers today including our own Star and Sickle, one would swear that the
>> average "journalist" writing today had never taken a class in English
>> grammar) has me ranting up-and-down the room and throwing things.Everytime I
>> hear a broad-caster say "negossiation" instead of the correct "negotiation"
>> (nee go shee ay shun) I start muttering about the complete break-down and
>> imminent loss of the English language I love.
>>   I am blessed (or cursed, as the case may be) with a minor degree in English
>> literature and a major in interior-
>> design/historic architecture (hence the sensitivity to the
>> drapes/carpet issue) - and what's more, I don't even approve of carpeting,
>> having spent 39 years designing and creating custom -inlaid wood floors.
>>   Anyway, I'm not snooty-I just love the language.
>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>   From: Longramx2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>   To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>   Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 8:45 PM
>>   Subject: Re: IML: Imperial carpet
>>   grate edjumacation tanks !

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