While we're recollecting, my 1st memory of a new, on the showroom floor
Imperial was a '68 model. It was on the upper level of the Tom Price dealer
in Spokane, and I seem to be able to recall it being in a dark color. It may
have been a black LeBaron w/the small rear window, or I may be inventing
that bit of memory. None the less, thats what I'm going to run with.
At the recommendation of my uncle, my mother went to look at the new
Chrysler Newport. While crossing the showroom floor and passing the
Imperial, I, at the age of 6 or 7, was a little curious of the square side
marker lights, but I became really irritated by the big vertical blobs of
chromed bumper ends on the back of this Imperial. I couldn't figure out why
these big blobs were there or what they were for, as chromed bumpers were
supposed to be horizontal to my already automotively critical mind. The
horizontal taillamp ribbing and center bumper section were ok as far as I
was concerned, but the vertical pieces really got under my skin. So, I went
up and smacked it with my cowboy boot, which produced more noise out of my
mother than out of the steel, itself. We left relatively quickly not to
return until the Cordoba was introduced 7 years later.
'67-8 owners: fear not, I've gotten over my problem with 'the blobs' and I
will never kick one again.
It seems I've relayed this story before, thanks for putting up with it if
its a reread.
Portland, Oregon
This reminds me of my first closeup look at the
fuselage Imperials. I was 16 years old and dragged my
dad into the Chrysler-Plymouth dealer on W. Michigan
Ave. in Jackson. We looked at a gorgeous, dark-green
'69 Imperial coupe. What a car; I remember it to this
day. If I weren't on a quest for a nice '68 I'd look
into a later model.
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