Ah, good old Bill Morrissey. (My musical references get more obscure.) Anyhoo, I took the 58 Imperial to the shop yesterday. The foreman did not look thrilled to have it thrust upon him by the owner. I just about begged him to remember to swap out the old oil filter canister with a spin on type while the engine was out. I don't think his eyebrows could have gone any higher without leaving his head. "Remove the engine?" I mean its not like he does not have a fleet of trucks to keep running or anything. The actual mechanic was there too and he was taking a lot of notes, which really impressed me. When was the last time that happened while you were telling one what you thought was wrong and what you had tried already to fix it. I showed them the peculiarities of the car. I was asked where the park position was and how to release the brake. I was asked where the traffic indicator switch was. Oh boy, are these guys in for some fun. I forgot to take them the factory service manual, or the address for Hot Heads Hemi, which will probably be their best bet for the rebuild kit and the spin on filter. Regrettably, the car is losing transmission fluid too, but I don't know where from. At this, they had to wonder about their bosses sanity in agreeing to take this job on, and for free, to me, too. I will swing by next week, to give them the book. I don't know when I will be getting the car back. They have worked on several of our vehicles before, but none has been as complex or unusual as the 58 Imperial. It will be very interesting to see how they cope with it. The mechanic looked like a calm sort of guy. Its just a car that needs to be fixed to him. By the end of this he may either have gained respect for it, or contempt. Either way, I believe, from past experience, they will do the very best job possible. Hugh