> come up. Can anyone tell me where I can call write or email someone who has > them for sale, I would appreciate it Old car lens still has them... http://www.oldcarlens.com/cgi-bin/parts/agora.cgi?product=50s-Imperial&cart_ id=v bottom right corner $65 '59 pushbottons are "D N R 2 1" starting from the top. '58 buttons will not work as the assembly was different. You will need a '58 manual and a '59 supplement for your car. You can find the '58 service manual and '59 supplement on e-bay very regularly '59 = http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2401173919&cat egory=34217 This one ends in a couple of hours so I put in an opening bid of 14.95. If I win and you want it for that price it is yours. If you see this before then you can outbid me for 15.95 I don't see a '58 manual up yet so keep an eye on ebay Steve B.