Good eye! The rear wheels are from a NYer. I can't remember why he changed them but the original wheels and covers are in the trunk. I'll try to get those back on asap for originality. I'll have to scare up a hood ornament too. Anybody see one, please let me know! The car IS is very good condition considering the mileage. I hope it doesn't offer any major mechanical issues for at least a couple more years. The windshiled has a long crack clear across it near the bottom. I can probably get a replacement from a salvaga yard. I will check the price on a new one first though. Might as well get new if it is cheap enough. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Hopkins" <mhoppy@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 10:35 AM Subject: Re: IML: 1990 Imperial Coming Home I currently have a 92 that has been a great car, but it had only 41000 on it when I bought it this Feb. It has the 3.8 engine which I understand needs less maintenance over the long haul.. I had a 91 New Yorker new in 91 that I drove until Dec 94. It had the trans redone under the warranty and was using oil a little.. Otherwise a great car and probably my favorite daily driver until the Imperial--92 Version. Most of these models came with most everything. Mine didn't have Keyless entry and when I tried to get it, the cost to buy the Chrysler parts was $$ so I opted the JC Whitney solution for $40. One thing that was a problem, the wires listed in the FSM were not the same in the car. A 45 Minute job lasted several Hours until we started just testing wires. A good trans rebuild should last a long time. Looks as though they got rid of at least one of your wire wheels and the hood ornament is not correct. The ornament should have a plastic center with a bird in the middle. I am not sure if it should be clear or black in the middle the the eagle should be gold. This car looks great for the miles. Happy driving.