Ther's a four '57 (and previous years) oil filters on ebay (item 1828605429). Interesting is the fact that during 1957 year Chrysler put a "short" oil canister with a different base so later '57 have the "short" oil filter. My '57 had the "tall" oil filter but i put the "short" from my wrecked '57 (i didn't remember why but perhaps because the oil filter base was bad or because short oil cartridges are more common) So if you have a '57 look at the engine number (not the VIN) when you buy oil filters. According to the ebay item the "tall" element goes "up to engine C57 10102". -- Philippe COURANT (Pau, France) Imperial 57 Crown convertible Buick 58 Roadmaster sedan - American Car Club de France (ACCF) : - Chrysler Imperial France : - Cadillac " Standard of Excellence " : - SportsCars :