Got Mirc? In case you were not aware MIRC is a Internet Relay Chat program that enhances the already undescribable events that transpire in the Imperial Chat Room. More importantly it allows me, the Friday night Chat Host to use sound files as weapons. Like announcing the the entrance of Mike Trettin, aka Moron, to the room, or give the ever so popular 56 Imperial repair tip of the day :-)....In addition, there are "actions" like Leslie, the self proclaimed "Chatqueen", wacking someone over the head with her favorite weapon....a trout (yes, as in FISH). Being that she lives in the wilds of Oregon, where a frozen trout may be in regular use as a weapon....
Well anyway, come to chat and one of use would be glad to help you get up and running in MIRC so that you too can wack someone over the head with a trout... You can download MIRC from:
The How to's:
So here is the times for chat, of course they are not strictly enforced...drop by anytime.
Mac <yes, I have a YUGO>