Greetings and Salutations:
Thanks to those who responded to my request for help re the
non-illumination of my instrument panel on my 1968 Crown Convert. After further
review it appears that the panel knob does work because it does turn the rear
interior lights (slightly above seat level) on and off. So I guess I'm gonna
proceed to pull the instrument cluster to see what else is going on in there.
I'm sure I'll be back for more advice, hopefully not in a panic.
Here's a really dumb new question. Couple of years ago I bought the
Chrysler/Imperial service manual figuring that it would answer many
routine questions about things I'd like to deal with on the car. Yeah, right!
I'm confused as to how to get the headlights out so I can replace the sealed
beams. I can see what I believe are the adjustment/aiming screws. a retaining
ring and other sheet-metal type screws. The heads of the sheet metal screws
point toward the grille. Do I have to remove these and what the heck to I use to
remove them with. Can someone talk me through this?
Thanks so much!
Tom (Lawn Guyland, New York)
1968 Crown convert & 1960 New Yorker Coupe