From: "anthony romano" <mamrom@xxxxxxx> Subject: IML: Why choose Imperial over Caddy or Lincoln? I put this out their to get so interesting thoughts I why you chose an = Imperial over the competition. Some might say it's because of it's = unpopularity and mystique while others might say it's ...
For me, it was looks first and foremost. The first car I ever bought was a '63 Custom 2 door HT - -I saw it on a lot and had to have it (since I could barely afford it), even though I initially had no idea what the heck it was. After the test drive, I loved it even more. I've never enjoyed driving any type of car as much as driving an Imperial, and I've driven a lot of different cars. A lot of Caddys look good, but (IMO) they drive like waterbeds. Lincolns are often nice cars, but their styling usually underwhelms me - the '61-66 are nice in an extremely plain sort of way, and I must admit I'd like one of those giant, late-'50s angled-headlight-pod ones, but the rest are uninteresting to me. Old Imperials tend to be less trouble-prone than the 'competition' too, from what I've seen.
-Kle'69 Crown 4DHT
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