-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Rob McCall" <Rob_Mopar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> I don?t know about the ?66?s, but later cars have a solenoid to kick up the
> idle speed when the A/C is on. I know Holley makes an aftermarket one for
> use with their carbs. Might be easy to adapt on to your car.
> Is the problem only when idling? Does it run OK going down the road with the
> A/C on?
> Rob McCall
> ?67 LeBaron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> mjusten@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:10 PM
> To: imperial club
> Subject: IML: 66 Imperial IDLE Quality
> Hi Everyone
> I bought a 66 2dr Crown over a year ago fro m southern California. It has
> always had a 'Poor Idle'. When you turn on the A/C, it's awful. Short after
> the purchase, i installed a rebuilt compressor, new receiver/drier, and new
> expansion valve. The air is working well now, but I don't like using
> because of the idle.
> I just took a compression test and all 8 cylinders were between 140 and
> 150. The carb was rebuilt just prior to my purchase. I have recently done
> a full tuneup including plugs, wires, points, and condensor. Recent dual
> exhaust also.
> The engine takes off great and accelerates well. Runs COOL, doesn't ping,
> other exhibit any other performance issues.
> This car has the CAP system. I have by-passed the system and still can't
> get any improvement.
> Any suggestions?
> Marty
> 66 Crown 2DR
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