I would defiantly paint the top before replacing the top. i had a 78 NYB and painted the hole car and then habd the top put back on it it was just fine. lasted 4 yrs till Isabel killed it 2 yrs back.
Alan Jordan
-------------- Original message from Paul Volkmann <blackplumcoupe@xxxxxxxxx>: --------------
I've got the vinyl off both my '65 Imperial and my '75 Newport.
The Newport is a chameleon as it was green, and still has some green, but now has alot of black and some white. I don't plan on replacing it's top but painting the top white instead with the rest of the car black.
The Imperial, however, will be getting a new top at some point but I'm thinking of also painting the top before it gets it's new vinyl -- just as a "protective coating" -- or will this hamper the vinyl replacement process?
Paul '65 'Bald Eagle' Crown
--- alan1416@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Thanks John
> My Auto parts stores dont have anything.
> and i have asked ( Advance, NAPA Few locale) I will
> deive into Norfolk VA to a Pep Boys and see what
> they have. My just be living out here in Bugtusal
> (Gates NC) they dont got them there fancy tops on
> cars. i was told by one guy, Hell they fell good to
> have paint on em. LOL
> Thnaks for the help John
> Alan
> -------------- Original message from "John T.
> Folden" : -------------- >
> I've had good luck cleaning my 93's 'vinyl' top with
> any of the standard cleaners available from the
> local auto store. However, since mine happens to be
> white it shows fading very easily so sometime soon
> I'll be taking it to an auto-body shop to have it
> re-dyed. The cost will be well under $200 so I think
> it's quite worth it.
> If you have rips, tears or cracks in the vinyl then
> that's a whole other issue.
> John
> On Sep 21, 2005, at 9:19 PM, alan1416@xxxxxxx wrote:
> If you find something good to clean the tops please
> let me in on it as well. My 90 could use a good
> freshening up. I will let you know if i find
> something as well. We don't get to much help here
> with non-real IMP AKA not 60y something IMPs I still
> love the this Group it fun
> OOPs I'm sure I'm in for it now.
> Alan Jordan
> 90 IMP
> 75 IMP LeBaron
> -------------- Original message from
> Glennmat1@xxxxxxx: -------------- >
> i havent seen one yet but it was probably an option
> not to have one,,, anyone know what i can do for my
> 91 inperial vinyl roof to clean it up its peeling
> and dirty real bad
> thanks
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