I read the four pages. That exchange was very interesting. You may never catch these scam artisits but you sure can waste alot of their time by playing along with back and forth letters. They should have a website dedicated to this cause and awards handed out to the best scambait artists that can waste as much time and money from these Nigerian losers as possible! My Yahoo ID profile is totally bogus for the sole purpose of chasing the next scammer on a wild chase. I had a blast on the last scammer. He placed several long distance phone calls to a large US company and could never get a hold of the President of this multimillion dollar operation. It took him around 3 weeks before he gave up on me.
IMP7T@xxxxxxx wrote:
If you have time this is a 4 page report on a scam artist. It is a very good read. Also, if you google "nigerian scam artist 419" you will find a lot of info.