I wasn't going to comment on the current seat-belt controversy, but I there
are a few points that should be made. I'll preface this by disclosing that
I'm an attorney and while much of this insurance - government regulation is
our fault it also means that I get to look at reams of statistics on
personal injuries if I so choose.
First, while lap belts might not be as helpful as 3 point belts they serve a
vital function. They keep you in the car. It's a statistical fact that if
you stay in the car you are MUCH more likely to survive a serious accident
than if you are ejected from the vehicle. Even the lowly lap belt does
that. For years people told stories about how seat belts would trap you in
the car and how smart people would never use them, I believe everybody knows
this was an erroneous position. For Mike P. I'd advise you wear the lap
belt. It's not going to guarantee your safety and hopefully it won't
encourage you to drive more recklessly, but it will increase your chances of
staying within the vehicle.
Second, while I agree that seat belt laws and helmet laws may be an invasion
by our government it's a result of our current system. Right or wrong,
either through medicare/aid or higher insurance premiums we subsidize those
that are injured and therefore it is in the interests of the general public
to keep everyone from getting a serious injury.
Third, if you have safety equipment available to you, such as seat belts and
you fail to utilize it you will have your award reduced. In NY they will
reduce your award by the difference of the injury received compared to the
injury that might have been received if belts were worn. That standard can
lead to some really expensive engineer reports to determine the values. What
it amounts to in your small cases is that every plaintiff claims they wore
the belt even if they obviously didn't. For example their head hit the
windshield. In other states they may forego any payout if you don't wear the
PS: Thanks Elijah for explaining how a weak motor can make one side of the
headlight doors droopy. Don't want to clutter the list with a seat belt
post AND a thank you.
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