Hi Clay,
The nice thing about DC motors is that they are easily reversible by just
switching polarity. That's what the up/down switch does, it's a cross
wired double pole/double throw switch. Notice that there are two wires
going to the motor, not just one wire and ground. There is nothing wrong
with the motor. You can move it one way manually because the
mechanism is spring loaded, the other way you are going against the spring
tension, kind of like your garage door opener. The good news is that if
the motor now runs only one way it's OK. Your problem is in the wiring or
a mechanical jam. CAUTION you can easily break or lose a finger if
you inadvertently unscrew or release something while you are diagnosing the
problem, those springs are potent. It's usually easier to work on the
thing while the glass is up, so securely tie wrap the lift arm or other support
in the up position if you feel you must remove the motor or drive, thus taking
the load off the drive. Unless a track is off or the guides are worn, your
problem sounds more electrical than mechanical. But be careful with that
Regards, Ken Stephenson
On Fri, 20 May 2005 21:15:46 -0500 "imperialman" <imperialman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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